Formula E Season Awards 2023: Voting has started - take part now!

Timo Pape

Timo Pape

The 2022/23 Formula E season is history - time for the annual Season Awards! Like last year, there are categories on the one hand that we base on facts. For this purpose, we make use of the results of our statistics analyses and driver ratings over the course of the season. In addition, as in previous years, there are also subjective categories that you can decide on in a public vote. Up to and including August 11, you can vote in the poll embedded below.

The public vote only includes five categories this year - so you should be able to click through quickly! We will publish the results of the Season Awards 2023 on Monday, August 14, on our website as well as on our social media channels. If you have trouble viewing the poll, you can also vote directly using the appropriate Google Form. Thanks for participating!

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