Formula E

Facts, figures, data: Statistics on the 2023 Formula E race in India

Tobias Wirtz

Tobias Wirtz

Formula E continued its ninth season on Saturday with the Hyderabad E-Prix. We have analyzed all the sessions at the race series' debut in India in detail and summarize all the statistical peculiarities at the fourth race of the 2023 Formula E World Championship for you in this article.


Statistical peculiarities at the Hyderabad E-Prix

  • Hyderabad is the 27th city to host a Formula E race.
  • The Hyderabad E-Prix was a anniversary race for one driver: Antonio Felix da Costa became the fifth driver in history to contest his 100th Formula E race.
  • Sebastien Buemi reached the duel stage of qualifying for the fourth time in the fourth race of the season. He is the only driver with a 100 percent quota in 2023.
  • Mitch Evans scored the fourth pole position of his career in Hyderabad. It has not brought him luck so far: he has not been able to win any of these four races.
  • In the first four races of the season, drivers from four different teams have thus been on pole.
  • Sacha Fenestraz achieved the best starting position of his Formula E career with fourth place.
  • Jean-Eric Vergne won his first Formula E race since the 2021 Rome E-Prix. It was the eleventh career victory for the Frenchman. In doing so, he drew level with Sam Bird.
  • In addition, it was the th victory for the Penske team in the race series. The last time Jerome d'Ambrosio had been able to win the Mexico City E-Prix for the U.S. team was on March 12, 2016. Since then, 2,527 days have passed - the longest drought for a team in Formula E history.
  • For the seventh consecutive time, the pole-sitter did not win the race. Such a long series has only happened once before in Formula E: in 2019, seven races passed after the Diriyya E-Prix until Jean-Eric Vergne won the Monaco E-Prix from pole position. Scholars argue about whether this victory counts or not: the bonus points for pole position were in fact awarded to Oliver Rowland, who, however, received a grid penalty and therefore only started third. If one does not count the Monaco E-Prix for this reason, the series was even nine races long at the time.
  • At the Hyderabad E-Prix, Nick Cassidy stood on the podium in Formula E for the fifth time.
  • Antonio Felix da Costa and Jean-Eric Vergne were each on the podium for the fourth different team.For Felix da Costa, it was Aguri, Andretti, Techeetah and Porsche. Vergne was successful for Andretti, Virgin, Techeetah and Penske. No driver before them had ever achieved this.
  • Sergio Sette Camara, Oliver Rowland and Norman Nato scored their first points in the 2023 Formula E World Championship. Only Max Günther and the three ABT drivers are still without anything countable.
  • For Sette Camara, it was the best result since the 2021 Diriyya E-Prix.For his Nio 333 team, fifth place was even the best result since Oliver Turvey's fifth place in Berlin in 2018.
  • For Jake Dennis, a streak of eleven consecutive top-10 results ended in Hyderabad. The last time he went without points was in Berlin in 2022.
  • With Oliver Rowland, at least one Briton took points from Hyderabad. This means that a British driver has scored points in every race since the 2017 Paris E-Prix.
  • Pascal Wehrlein stands at 80 points after the Hyderabad E-Prix. This means he has already collected more points after the fourth race in 2023 than in any of his previous four seasons: in 2021, he scored 79 points, his previous best.
  • It is only the second time in Formula E history that a driver has 80 points after four races of the season: Sebastien Buemi already achieved this in season 2 - after which he became champion.
  • Edoardo Mortara scored the 100th top-10 result by a Swiss driver in Formula E with his tenth place.
  • Thanks to Norman Nato's seventh place, Nissan (formerly racing as Renault e.dams and Nissan e.dams) became the first team in Formula E to crack the mark of 1,400 points in the "eternal statistics"
  • .
  • Nico Müller set the fastest race lap for the second time in his Formula E career. The last time he achieved this was at the last race of the Berlin E-Prix in 2020, then still for Dragon Racing. However, as he failed to finish in the top ten both times, he has never received the bonus point.
  • In the first four races, bonus points were awarded eight times, going to eight different drivers: Pole position points went to Lucas di Grassi, Sebastien Buemi, Jake Hughes and Mitch Evans. Points for the fastest race lap in the top ten went to Jake Dennis, Rene Rast, Sam Bird and Norman Nato. This has never happened before in Formula E history.
  • The collision between Sam Bird and Mitch Evans saw Jaguar suffer its first double retirement since the 2021 Valencia E-Prix. On that occasion, Bird had finished but was subsequently disqualified.

Qualifying comparison of Formula E teammates (season)

Team Driver 1 Stand Driver 2
Neom McLaren
Hughes 3 : 1 Rast
Maserati MSG Racing Günther 1 : 3 Mortara
Jaguar TCS Racing
Evans 3 : 1 Bird
Envision Racing Buemi 4 : 0 Cassidy
Avalanche Andretti
Dennis 4 : 0 Lotterer
TAG Heuer Porsche Felix da Costa 0 : 4 Wehrlein
Mahindra Racing di Grassi 2 : 2 Rowland
Nissan Nato 1 : 3 Fenestraz
Nio 333 Racing
Sette Camara 1 : 3 Ticktum
DS Penske Vandoorne 1 : 3 Vergne
ABT Cupra
Frijns 0 : 1 Müller
van der Linde 2 : 1


Position changes (Hyderabad E-Prix)

With eleven positions gained, Andre Lotterer was the one to advance the most in Hyderabad. Behind him is another Porsche-powered driver, Antonio Felix da Costa, who moved up ten places - level with Nio 333 driver Sergio Sette Camara. But Stoffel Vandoorne (9) and Pascal Wehrlein (8) have also gained significant positions. At the bottom of the statistics is pole-sitter Mitch Evans after his retirement with 20 lost positions. Two other Jaguar-powered drivers, Sam Bird (-13) and Sebastien Buemi (-12), also lost significant ground, partly due to the Jaguar-internal collision and partly due to the technical penalty against the Envision driver.

Race laps completed (season)

After the fourth race of the season, a total of ten drivers have yet to complete all 153 race laps. Mitch Evans, Jake Hughes and Dan Ticktum were the three drivers eliminated who had completed all of their laps by that point.

Leadership rounds (season)

In Hyderabad, Jean-Eric Vergne collected his first leading laps of the 2023 season, but Sebastien Buemi and Mitch Evans also improved their statistics. However, the duo of Pascal Wehrlein and Jake Dennis still has the most lead laps.


Driver & Team Performance Analysis (Hyderabad E-Prix)

The winner of our performance analysis for the Hyderabad E-Prix is Mitch Evans. In the final duel, the New Zealander set the fastest time of the weekend (1:13.228 minutes). He is followed by his opponent in the final, Jean-Eric Vergne, who was only 0.021 seconds slower. Apart from these two drivers, only Sebastien Buemi (1:13.533), Sam Bird (1:13.631) and Nick Cassidy (1:13.811) stayed under 1:14 minutes. The top five thus includes the four drivers with Jaguar powertrains.

At the back of the field is Kelvin van der Linde, the only driver to stay above 1:15 minutes. Andre Lotterer and Antonio Felix da Costa, somewhat surprisingly, are two drivers with Porsche powertrains just ahead of him. In addition to these three drivers, Oliver Rowland and Norman Nato also drove their fastest laps in group qualifying with just 300 kW of power. All the other drivers who did not set a time in the duel phase achieved their best time in 2nd Free Practice.

For the teams, this means that the fastest vehicle on a lap was the factory Jaguar ahead of the DS and the customer Jaguar from Envision. It is followed by the Maserati Tipo Folgore ahead of the factory Nissan, McLaren's customer Nissan and the factory Porsche. Behind them are the factory Mahindra and the Nio 333. The slowest car in India was again the customer Mahindra from ABT Cupra.

For the manufacturers, this means adjusted: Jaguar >>> DS/Maserati >> Nissan >> Porsche >> Mahindra >> Nio 333


Get behind the leader (Hyderabad E-Prix)

In this section, we have mapped out for you how the gaps between the top 5 drivers and the leaders have evolved over the course of the race. We have not taken into account penalties imposed afterwards.

Hovering the mouse cursor over one of the data points on the graphs will show you the exact gap of the driver in the selected lap.


Lap Time Analysis (Hyderabad E-Prix)

In this section, we have displayed for you how the lap times of each driver developed in the race. To compensate for individual outliers, we always calculate the average value over three laps. Since the laps behind the safety car distort the picture very strongly and also have no meaningfulness, we have divided the graph again in Hyderabad: before the safety car phase in the last third of the race and after.


It is noticeable that the safety car phase after Jake Hughes' accident came at an unfortunate time for some drivers: Pascal Wehrlein was the fastest driver in the field before neutralization. He then got stuck in traffic and was unable to continue his race to catch up. He subsequently benefited from some penalties against competitors.

It is also noticeable that for Lucas di Grassi and Max Günther, the pace dropped very sharply at the end of the race for the second time. Both seem to not yet have the energy management under control, so that they had to save energy massively in the last lap to reach the finish at all. On the other hand, there is no sign of a technical problem with Sebastien Buemi's battery, which is said to have caused him to have less power available at the end of the race, when analyzing the lap times.

Before the safety car period

After the safety car period


Note: If you hover over one of the data points on the graphs, you will be shown the driver's name and the averaged lap time of the driver on the selected lap. Also, the driver's entire turn will then be highlighted.


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