Formula E

Formula E in London: Decisions in 2024 team & manufacturer standings possible as early as Saturday if...

Tobias Wirtz

Tobias Wirtz

The Formula E title could be decided on Saturday not only among the drivers, but also among the teams and manufacturers: Jaguar TCS Racing is travelling to London with a 33-point lead in the teams' championship. In the manufacturers' standings, on the other hand, Porsche is 19 points ahead of the British team ahead of the final two races of the season and could celebrate early on Saturday evening.

Jaguar versus Porsche: this is the big duel in the teams' and manufacturers' standings of the 2024 Formula E World Championship ahead of the season finale in London. Could the first corks start popping on Saturday? If so, what exactly would have to happen? In this article, takes a look at the starting situation in the teams' and manufacturers' standings for you.

Teams: Jaguar needs 15 more points

In Formula E's teams' championship, Jaguar travels to the British capital with a relatively comfortable cushion of 33 points. As the only remaining competitor - Porsche - could reach a maximum of 47 points on Sunday, James Barclay's team must increase its lead by 15 points.

The decision can therefore only be made if Jaguar scores at least 15 points. This number of points corresponds to a third place, a fourth place with pole position or positions six and seven including the fastest race lap, just to name a few examples.

If one of the two Porsche works drivers finishes ahead of the best-placed Jaguar driver, the decision would automatically be postponed to Sunday, for example in the event of a win by Antonio Felix da Costa or Pascal Wehrlein. The same applies if no Jaguar driver finishes in the top six.

In return, a Jaguar victory would be the decider if the second Jaguar driver also finished on the podium. In the event of a Jaguar win, Porsche will have to score eleven points to postpone the decision, even if the second Jaguar driver does not score any points.

Manufacturers: Porsche must increase its lead by 28 points

In Formula E's manufacturers' standings, the situation is exactly the opposite: Porsche could celebrate on Saturday evening. However, as the lead is significantly smaller than that of Jaguar in the teams' standings, the conditions for this are very different: Porsche needs at least 28 points to be able to bring about the decision early.

At least one driver from the works team or the Andretti customer team must finish on the podium. Otherwise, Porsche will score too few points in the manufacturers' classification. As only the two best-placed cars of the manufacturer are included in the classification, it would not be sufficient to occupy positions 4 to 7 with all cars. Even with all bonus points, this would result in a maximum of 26 points.

If the two best-placed Jaguar-powered cars were to score a total of 20 points, the decision is automatically postponed for the manufacturers. This would be the case for 3rd and 7th place, for example, or 4th and 6th place.

Theoretically, both titles could be decided early

In an extreme case, both titles could be decided on Saturday: An Andretti one-two victory would give Porsche 43 points in the manufacturers' standings. Should one of the two Jaguar works drivers finish third at the same time and the other five drivers from the two manufacturers remain without any championship points, Jaguar would have a 48-point lead in the teams' standings and Porsche would be 47 points clear in the manufacturers' standings.

Since the German manufacturer has eight victories - compared to four for Jaguar - this would tip the scales in favour of Porsche in the event of a theoretical tie in the manufacturers' standings.

One thing is also mathematically clear, however: if the manufacturers' title is decided on Saturday, the drivers' championship cannot be decided at the same time. In this case, championship leader Nick Cassidy would not score enough points to be able to celebrate.

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Niki ·

Jaguar has everything to lose basically , while Porsche can i bit chillax

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