Formula E

Formula E plans 2024 rookie tests in Misano & Berlin

Tobias Wirtz

Tobias Wirtz

Formula E is once again expected to organise two rookie tests in Italy and Germany in 2024. While an additional free practice session for rookies is planned for the Misano E-Prix on Friday (12 April), in which each team will enter one car, a full test day will take place in Berlin on the Monday after the double-header (13 May), according to FE Notebook.

Last year, Formula E made a change to the sporting regulations, according to which regular drivers - similar to Formula 1 - have to sit out one free practice session per season. Instead, a driver without Formula E racing experience will take the wheel.

After protests from the teams, which also raised safety concerns, there was a separate test day for newcomers in Berlin instead. The racing series also organised a "0th free practice" for the first time as part of the Rome E-Prix, in which each team had to let a rookie drive.

Formula E is now planning the same for this year. On 12 April, the Friday before the Misano E-Prix, there will be an additional 30-minute free practice session. Just like in Rome in 2023, each team will be allowed to enter one car, which must be driven by a driver who has not yet competed in a Formula E race.

A minimum of 22 rookies in Berlin

On 13 May, the Monday after the Berlin E-Prix, there will be a full test day for rookies. Each team will enter two cars, so that at least 22 drivers will have the opportunity to test. "At least" because the teams can also decide to field different drivers in the morning and afternoon sessions. Last year, Mahindra Racing allowed three drivers to drive: Jehan Daruvala, Jordan King and Roberto Merhi.

Both dates were chosen so that they do not overlap with the junior classes Formula 2, Formula 3 or the F1 Academy - the racing series for young female drivers organised by Formula 1. Although the next-lowest junior racing series, Formula Regional, runs in parallel with the Berlin E-Prix in Hockenheim, it should be possible for drivers to travel to the German capital by Monday morning.

It is not yet known which drivers will be involved. Official confirmation from Formula E is also pending. However, Caio Collet (Nissan), Kush Maini (Mahindra), Zane Maloney (Andretti) and Red Bull junior Tim Tramnitz (ABT Cupra) are rumoured to be in the running.

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