Extreme E News

Scotland comeback: preview of the 2024 Hydro X Prix of Extreme E

Svenja König

Svenja König

"No Scotland No Party" is also the motto of Extreme E next weekend (13/14 July). After the season opener in Saudi Arabia the Hydro X Prix in the former Glenmuckloch mine is the first of three X Prix in Europe. What's new? 608 kilometres north of his home in London, Patrick O'Donovan is celebrating his debut in the electric series this weekend, and American Amanda Sorensen is also back in the paddock. Find out in our preview whether they can get involved in the race for the podium places in Scotland.

Where does the Extreme E race take place?

After its debut last year, Extreme E is returning to Scotland this season. The race track is located in the former open-cast coal mine Glenmuckloch, near the village of Sanquhar in the south of Scotland.

The Hydro X Prix focuses on the importance of water for renewable energies. The disused mine is currently being converted and will in future include a wind farm and a pumped storage plant. "The old mine is the perfect example of the necessary switch from fossil fuels to green energy," explains the off-road championship on its website.

What has happened since the last race in Jeddah?

There were five months between the Extreme E season opener in Jeddah and the second race in Scotland. During this time, the focus was primarily on the successor to the electric series, Extreme H. This was officially unveiled a few weeks ago in London with a new car and race calendar. The current Extreme E team Sun Minimal, consisting of the duo Timo Scheider and Klara Andersson, will also compete in Extreme H with the same line-up and was the first team to sign up.

In April, Extreme E published its sustainability report for the third season. In 2023, the series emitted 8,300 tonnes of CO2-equivalent gases. The largest share of emissions was attributable to freight, which alone accounted for over 7,000 tonnes of CO2e. The rest resulted from employee travel emissions, the organisation of the races and catering. While 90 per cent of the energy at the race track was generated using renewable diesel in the first season, this figure is now only 50 per cent. Hydrogen and solar energy are increasingly being used instead.

The sustainability report also sheds light on the social component of sustainability, in particular the gender performance gap. In season 1, the men were still 4.5 seconds faster per lap, while the difference has fallen to 1.5 seconds in season 3.

There have been some changes to the driver line-up ahead of the Hydro X Prix. Amanda Sorensen replaces Dania Akeel at JBXE and hopes to repeat her podium result from last year. Instead of RJ Andersson, she will line up with Andreas Bakkerud as her team-mate this year. At Legacy Motor Club, championship driver Patrick O'Donovan replaces team owner Jimmy Johnsson, who is expected to be back in the cockpit at the Island X Prix. Gray Leadbetter and O'Donovan form the youngest driver duo in the history of Extreme E.

Team Female Driver Male Driver
Rosberg X Racing Mikaela Ahlin-Kottulinsky Johan Kristoffersson
EON Veloce Racing Molly Taylor Kevin Hansen
Andretti Altawkilat Extreme E Catie Munnings Timmy Hansen
NEOM McLaren XE Cristina Gutierrez Mattias Ekström
Acciona | Sainz XE Team Laia Sanz Fraser McConnell
JBXE Amanda Sorensen Andreas Bakkerud
Sun Minimeals XE Klara Andersson Timo Scheider
Legacy Motor Club Gray Leadbetter Patrick O'Donovan
Championship Driver Tamara Molinaro Tommi Hallman


Who broadcasts the Extreme E on TV & livestream?

The qualifying sessions will take place at the double-header in Scotland on Saturday and Sunday at 9 am (CEST). The final will be broadcast from 4 pm. English-language streams are available on YouTube, Facebook and Eurovision Sport.

What characterises the race track in Sanquhar?

The track surface consists mainly of grass and earth, but also includes a rocky section and a water crossing. The layout is characterised by several hairpin bends where things could get tight in the race. The track map also shows that there are steep inclines and declines that the drivers have to master with the Odyssey 21. Jumps with the vehicle are also planned. The track length is 2.67 kilometres (as of 11 July).

What is the legacy project of the Extreme E in Sanquhar?

This year, Extreme E wants to build on its legacy programme from last season. Last year, 1,200 trees were planted on the banks of the River Nith to stabilise the soil and cool the water. This should reduce the death of fish eggs. In addition, the legacy programme has set up a tree nursery in the region to plant more trees at the mouth of the river to the Atlantic.

What will the weather be like in Sanquhar?

The weather in Sanquhar will be cloudy to rainy this weekend. Sunshine is not expected. It could rain on Saturday afternoon and evening, with a 60 per cent chance at present.

Who are the favourites?

Last year, Veloce and X44 were the winning teams in Scotland. Veloce, which was the only team to finish on the podium in both races so far, and Christina Gutierrez in combination with her new team-mate Mattias Ekström at McLaren are among the top favourites. In Saudi Arabia, however, the race wins went to Rosberg and Acciona Sainz, who already fought for the drivers' and teams' titles last season. You should also keep an eye on these teams.

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