Short News

9 years / - We celebrate birthday!

Timo Pape

Timo Pape

Nine years ago today, the first version of went live. Back then, the headlines were all about driver line-ups and venues for the first Formula E season in 2014/15. We've already highlighted how the look and functions of our portal have changed since then in recent years. The past twelve months also saw another milestone: we entered the global stage with our English-language website

It makes us proud as a team to still be here. Only a few of the "founding members" from the media remain. We have survived two very challenging Corona years and are finally looking positively into the future again. A crucial reason for that was our great team around Tobias Bluhm, Tobias Wirtz and Svenja König.

Nevertheless, electric motorsport is still not smooth sailing. Especially because our expenses have further increased since the launch of We therefore also rely on your support.

If you like our news and visit us regularly, feel free to support us with a small donation starting at 1 Euro per month, for example easily via PayPal. We say thank you for your loyalty and look forward to an exciting tenth year, in which we are sure to meet many new Formula E fans from all over the world.

Kind regards from Germany

Founder &

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