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Jakarta E-Prix: All Formula E penalties at a glance

Tobias Wirtz

Tobias Wirtz

In Jakarta, the race stewards of the FIA once again have the task of ensuring compliance with the Technical and Sporting Regulations. If any infringement of the rules is found, it is their task to determine penalties. In this article you will find, as usual, a list of all the decisions of the race stewards.

At the Jakarta E-Prix, Loic Bacquelaine, Achim Loth and Dani Sarwono are taking on this task. They are again being supported by ex-racing driver Paul Belmondo. After five years in Formula 3000, the 60-year-old Frenchman also spent several years in Formula 1 during his career. Below, as usual, you will find a list of all the decisions of the race stewards.

Penalties in Saturday's race

  • Sacha Fenestraz was given a drive-through penalty after the race, which was converted into an 18-second time penalty. The Frenchman had used more than the maximum 300 kW of power output from the battery allowed in race mode on lap 31. Fenestraz thus dropped from 16th to 19th place.
  • Sam Bird received a five-second time penalty for causing a collision with team-mate Mitch Evans. However, as Bird finished the race in last place, this penalty had no effect. In addition, the Briton received two penalty points, bringing his total to seven.
  • Rene Rast also received a time penalty of five seconds for causing a collision with Sam Bird. The McLaren driver thus dropped from 12th to 15th place. The race stewards also handed out two penalty points.
  • DS Penske was fined 6,000 euros for having three people in the restricted area of the pits during qualifying who were not allowed to be there according to their passes. Only mechanics with a yellow pass are allowed to be there. According to the race stewards' document, the three people were a VIP guest of the team with a platinum pass and two non-operational staff members with a purple pass. The team was also stripped of a yellow pass for the rest of the season, but this penalty was suspended.
  • Sebastien Buemi was given a drive-through penalty after the race, which was converted into a time penalty of 18 seconds. The Swiss had activated the attack mode after his pit stop due to a puncture, but was still on his second lap at the time. According to the regulations, the attack mode may only be activated on the third lap at the earliest. He therefore dropped one position behind Sam Bird to last place.

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