e-Formula.news is free of charge - but we encourage you to become a supporter!
Information on the internet should always be easily and freely accessible. At the same time, high-quality journalism requires resources. Often, these two statements contradict each other. We try to make both possible for you and have therefore introduced a new voluntary payment model.
e-Formel.de - started in 2014 as a small blog - has always been free for you and should remain so. Nevertheless, we are growing year after year. With increasing professionalism, more and more costs are incurred: on-site reporting (races or events), new personnel, and fresh features cost a lot of money.
Today we want to bring you on board because e-Formel.de has always been the meeting place and voice of the German-speaking Formula E community. We want to give you the opportunity to support us on a voluntary basis so that we can continue to pursue our independent path consistently. Become a supporter - no matter at which level (see below)!
In cooperation with the German platform Steady, we now offer various supporter levels - starting from a contribution of 1 euro per month, you can support our editorial team. It is important to us that you have all the freedom and remain flexible at all times: you decide if, how, and how long you want to support us.
- 5 levels: 1 to 9 euros per month - depending on how much the daily reporting on e-Formel.de and all related channels (podcast, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) is worth to you.
- Cancelable at any time: You decide when and for how long - and can withdraw at any time.
- All common payment methods: Direct debit, PayPal, or credit card.

Not everyone who wants to read independent journalism online can or wants to pay equally for it. We understand and respect that. "Barriers don't work on the internet," explains Timo Pape, founder of e-Formula.news. "However, online readers are often willing to pay for high-quality journalism. That's why we want to convince you of e-Formula.news and are always open to your feedback and ideas - by e-mail."
We have very high standards for ourselves and are always interested in improving ourselves. We can already offer you a lot, but the list of further ideas is long! Some of them we can implement with your help. Here are some examples of what your support will achieve:
- More time for thorough research and exclusive stories
- First-hand on-site reporting from races and events
- Further development of the website and all channels: new tools and features
- More staff and associated products (e.g. infographics or more social media)
>>> You are contributing to further increasing the overall quality of e-Formula.news!
You can support us on 5 different Levels
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